NSColor and right RGBA settings

Hello guys, Today I was working with a Xamarin.Mac project, and as you may know, OS X and Xcode are not very friendly guys when you need some customizations on the UI, they try to force you to use the defaults (that aqua style), but… my friend Victor made a great design and it was […]

Animating a NSView : The Basics

Sometimes you feel the need that the NSView that you are working with  resizing, moving, etc. feels too rude when you change the position, the dimensions or anything. A code snipped that could help you out giving a little ease is the follow: NSAnimationContext.RunAnimation ( (context) => { context.Duration = 0.5; context.AllowsImplicitAnimation = true; //<WHATEVER YOU […]

Reflections With Xamarin – Part 01


ometimes you have a table/class that have so many fields/attributes, that the mere thinking of make the interaction of the whole object give you headache. You’re not alone. For cases like this, there is a little thing called Reflections. According to Microsoft Documentation: Reflection provides objects (of type Type) that describe assemblies, modules and types. […]