I combine Cross-platform development with Project Management

The purpose is to give real value to the projects I'm involved on making sure we make the estimate with quality on time and budget

Starlin González

Software Architect|Project manager

I am co-founder of Valego Consulting and a senior web and mobile developer with 15+ years of experience. Got a few certifications on some exciting technologies and process that can be verified on my linkedin profile I considere myself a  passionate about cross-platform development and process. Currently working on getting a professional certificate from Google on Project Management and Data Science from MIT. I am a professional who values commitment, creativity, and customer satisfaction. You can reach me through LinkedIn.

Recent Projects

Here you can see a few of the projects I have worked on.

As Featured In

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Cross-platform development of software from the architecture behind to the frontend.
Infraestructure architecture combined with Dev-Ops to improve manual process and make it automatic.
IT Project Management with a continuos advisory to make sure we get the desired goal.
Project Management

Let's work on an estimate

The first step of any relationship is to understand the size of the commitment and the dimension of the project, let’s start with that.